Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What types of clients does Melinda Velasquez serve?
A: Melinda Velasquez works with individuals, couples, teams, groups and leaders on both professional and personal development.
Q: What services does Melinda Velasquez offer?
A: Melinda Velasquez is currently focusing on offering speaking engagements, and live virtual or in-person workshops.
Q: How can I contact Melinda Velasquez for inquiries or bookings?
A: You can contact Melinda Velasquez via the contact form on her website or through the provided email address.
Q: What topics does Melinda Velasquez cover in her speaking engagements and workshops?
A: In her speaking engagements and workshops, Melinda Velasquez integrates her personal journey of growth and healing to explore topics such as emotional intelligence, trauma-informed care, codependency, family and partner addiction, and personal development. She draws from her own experiences to offer practical tools and insights that foster emotional resilience and healthier interpersonal dynamics.
Q: How can I stay updated with news and events from Melinda Velasquez?
A: You can sign up for Melinda Velasquez's monthly newsletter, or follow her on social media to stay updated with news, events, and resources.